Clean out your cupboards, your closet, your basements – we need your gently used or new
Japanese items. We are looking for items such as Japanese dishes, art, ornaments, collectibles, dolls,
and clothing (e.g., yukata, obi, hapi, kimono) – whatever you may have.
This is a major fundraising event for the Calgary Buddhist Temple with all money raised going to
the building fund. Look for our sale table at the CJCA Omatsuri on August 15.
Please contact us, and we will pick up. Donations gratefully received before July 18th.
Laura Sugimoto
t: 403-278-2861
e: laura.sugimoto@telus.net
Mickey Ikuta
t: 403-271-8824
e: mhikuta@hotmail.com
I have something’s to donate, an obe and some other things. Please let me know how to get them to you.
Thank you
Hello Kristen, I have passed your email on to Jean Masudo who will contact you.