Posts By: CBT Admin

Casino Update

Thank you to all the casino volunteers on March 4 & 5, 2018 – you help make great things happen! This year, every volunteer not only worked long hours, sometimes past 3 am, taking precious time out of their weekend and evenings, and many also


At long last we have completed the temple columbarium previously announced as part of our building renovation plans. The columbarium room is located to the right of the naijin area. We have a couple of niche options available. The standard niche is designed for the

Gyoza Making

Hello Temple Friends! We’ll be making Gyoza dumplings on Saturday, March 17th at 9:30 am at the Temple. Hope you can join us. Beginners welcome! SIGN UP In Gassho, CBT Fundraising Committee

Buddhist Practices Circuit & Lunch

inside temple pic On Sunday March 11 from 10am-1pm, our service will take a slightly different format. If you had a question about the significance of the items on our naijin (alter), curious to hear about the history of our Shinran Shonin statue, or learn something about chanting

Nirvana Day Service

A special Nirvana Day Service will be held on Sunday, February 11 marks our traditional Parinirvana Day Service (Buddha’s passing) and this year we will have guests from many of the other schools of Buddhism participating in our service. As a founding member of the


or Japanese Flower Arrangement classes are being offered by Rika Saruwatari, who trained under Ms.Takato Yokoyama. Rika became a certified Shihan (teacher) in 2012. Five classes will be held Saturday mornings 10:00am – 12:30pm on April 14, May 12 and 26, June 16 and 30

Casino Volunteers Needed

Sunday, March 4 and Monday March 5 208 – Cash Casino 4040 Blackfoot Trail SE If you can volunteer for this very important Temple fundraiser, please contact me or sign up online. Support of these casinos are so important to maintaining our beautifully renovated temple