Posts By: Susan

Kaikyoshi Ordination

The Calgary Buddhist Temple would like to congratulate Sensei Robert Gubenco on his achievement of being appointed by the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization as a Kaikyoshi minister to Canada on December 01, 2019 AND assignment to the Calgary Buddhist Temple. The certificate of achievement

Fall Workshops

The following workshops are open to everyone and will be held online using Zoom. Please register early and support the continued coordination of these workshops. There’s no fee to attend and donations to the temple are appreciated. An Hour of Laughter, Joy and Peace Join

2020 Obon Schedule

Based on the level of government restrictions, our Obon Schedule is subject to change but let’s stay positive and continue to be safe!  Obon is a time to express our gratitude to loved ones who have passed on before us. Without them, we would not

Temple Open with Limited Attendance

PLEASE NOTE THAT AS OF NOV 25, 2020, THE TEMPLE HAS DECIDED TO SUSPEND IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE FOR SUNDAY SERVICES UNTIL THE NEW YEAR. At this time, a limited number of people can attend a Sunday service in person but you MUST PRE-REGISTER in advance. If interested,

Racial Justice

Tatsuya Aoki, the minister of the Vancouver Buddhist Temple as well as Socho or Bishop of the Buddhist Temples of Canada, has written this statement on racial justice to share.   “Kue Issho: meet together in the same world” “The blue flowers emit a blue

June Online Workshops

As a sign of the times, the Calgary Buddhist Temple will be holding 2 engaging workshops in June using “Zoom”, a web-based video conferencing tool. 1. Getting to the Bottom of It – Sunday, June 7th at 1:00-2:00 pm MST Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in women

Online Services Survey

Here you will find a link to a very short survey about the Calgary Buddhist Temple’s online Services. We would really appreciate you completing this survey to tell us how to best reach you with our Online Services and Temple News as well as how

Daily Evening Service

Sensei Robert of the Calgary Buddhist Temple will be live streaming a daily evening service starting at 9:00 pm MST each night. The service will consist of reciting the Loving-Kindness Metta Meditation followed by and concluding with the chanting of Juseige. We will alternate between the

Annual General Meeting

Due to the current self-isolation requirements, the Calgary Buddhist Temple Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online this year on Sunday May 24 at 11:15 am (MST) via the Zoom platform/application. If you are a Calgary Buddhist Temple member, we invite you to join