For those of you who might not know, Bob Gubenco who has completed his Jodo Shinshu Online Correspondence course and initial Minister Assistant Training at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley California, will be travelling during November to the main Temple of our Tradition, the Hongwanji-Ha, in Kyoto Japan to undertake his Tokudo Minister’s Ordination.
This Ordination is always done at the Main Temple by the Head Priest of our Order, the Go Monshu Sama.
Bob has been a solid supporter of our Temple for several years and traveled with James Martin Sensei and a few other members to Hongwanji-Ha Temple in Kyoto in 2009.
(FYI: Bob will also be an Assistant Minister and known as ‘Sensei’).
On his return, he will assume some Temple duties as our Head Sensei James Martin works with him.
I know we all wish Bob a great experience and support him in this important commitment to our Temple and to his own Buddhist journey!!

Congratulations, Bob!
Kelly and I wish you much success on your new future at the temple and wherever your studies may take you.
Good Luck,
John and Kelly