Posts Categorized: Special Event

Sundae Sunday for Sensei

Join the Calgary Buddhist Temple on Sunday, Sept 17 as we show our appreciation to Sensei Robert Gubenco by holding a delightful Sundae Sunday. After service, there’ll be ice cream and all the fixings to share with Sensei to let him know how much we

Keirokai – Senior Appreciation Day

On Sunday, May 28, please join us to celebrate Keirokai, Senior Appreciation Day following the Gotanye/Shinran Shonin birth service. Keirokai is a yearly event honoring our dedicated senior members.  After service there will be a lunch to give us an opportunity to show our appreciation.

Half Day Meditation Retreat

The Calgary Buddhist Temple will be holding a Half Day Meditation Retreat on Saturday, May 6th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The retreat will be limited to 20 people. Retreat to include: Meditation – sitting, walking, and guided body scan Loving-Kindness (Metta) meditation Naikan

Matinee at the Temple

Join us for an afternoon movie matinee on Saturday, June 17th at 2:00pm!  The Calgary Buddhist Temple is pleased to host a FREE showing of “Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story” presented by High Summitt Immigration. Everyone is welcome!  Discussion to follow and then stick

JSBTC WF Dana Event – Calgary

Dana - giving without thought of receiving something in return With the need to support local outreach because of the pandemic, we’re holding a special Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Women’s Federation (JSBTC WF) Dana event where donations can be made at the temple or by eTransfer between Sunday, March 27 to Sunday, April

Joint Celebration in Japan

Shinran Shonin The 850th Anniversary of Shinran Shonin’s Birth and 800th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Jodo Shinshu Teaching Early notification of the 2023 joint celebration of the 850th anniversary of Shinran Shonin’s birth and the 800th anniversary of the establishment of the Jodo Shinshu teaching

On Being Yukiko

The Calgary Buddhist Temple, the Calgary Japanese Community Association, the Japanese Canadian Association of Manitoba, and the Edmonton Japanese Community Association have joined together to host an online “Meet the Authors” presentation with the authors of On Being Yukiko, Jeff Chiba Stearns and Lillian Michiko