Posts Categorized: Local

Gochisosama: Memories of Home

  1st print of Gochisosama Memories of Home has SOLD OUT!! We are doing a 2nd print so place your order for your holiday gift giving!The book took over two years to compile and contains 270 pages with full colour section dividers and coil binding

2021 Obon Schedule

Obon is a time to express our gratitude to loved ones who have passed on before us. Without them, we would not be who we are today, due to the basic tenet of interdependence. We would not be where we are and we would not

RE-OPENING to In-person Attendance – Sunday, Aug 15

To all Temple friends and members: We are pleased to announce the re-opening of our Temple doors to in-person attendance on Sunday, August 15. As the Alberta government has lifted restrictions on indoor gatherings, we wanted to inform you of how in-person services will proceed,

Sunday Services In-person & Online

We are pleased to announce our Temple doors are open to limited in-person attendance – please ensure you signup and are comfortable with the guidelines below.  In addition, we will continue to hold regular Sunday Services Online from our Facebook group, Calgary Buddhist Temple,

Easy to Do!

Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient and secure way to send a donation or pay membership fees directly from your bank account to the Calgary Buddhist Temple. If you wish to use e-Transfer, please use the email address Remember to provide text as to

2021 Membership

The 2021 CBT membership form is now available to download. (2021 Membership form) . Please take a moment to read through the form and consider becoming a member. We appreciate all the support that the sangha has provided to the temple throughout the past

Women’s Centre 2020 Toy Drive

The Holiday Season is near and we are all starting to feel the isolation associated with not being able to gather with family and friends in celebrating long standing traditions. In the tradition of helping others, The Calgary Buddhist Temple have once again agreed to

Kaikyoshi Ordination

The Calgary Buddhist Temple would like to congratulate Sensei Robert Gubenco on his achievement of being appointed by the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization as a Kaikyoshi minister to Canada on December 01, 2019 AND assignment to the Calgary Buddhist Temple. The certificate of achievement

2020 Obon Schedule

Based on the level of government restrictions, our Obon Schedule is subject to change but let’s stay positive and continue to be safe!  Obon is a time to express our gratitude to loved ones who have passed on before us. Without them, we would not

Temple Open with Limited Attendance

PLEASE NOTE THAT AS OF NOV 25, 2020, THE TEMPLE HAS DECIDED TO SUSPEND IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE FOR SUNDAY SERVICES UNTIL THE NEW YEAR. At this time, a limited number of people can attend a Sunday service in person but you MUST PRE-REGISTER in advance. If interested,