I hope your summer was full of happiness and joy!
We will be holding Wednesday evening Services at 7:30PM in the Lantern Room of the Bridgeland Community Centre for the 6 weeks beginning Sept 3rd and carrying into October.
As all finances are being
The renovations started at the Temple mid-July and currently demolition is underway inside and out. You can follow the progress of our renovations and our fundraising efforts through the monthly New Temple Update newsletters. Click on the months: June, July, August/Sept.
Click and
Regular Sunday Services will resume on Sunday July 6th at 10:30AM
and will now be temporarily located at the
King George Masonic Hall
2323 Osborne Crescent SW
There is a parking lot behind the hall, and some street parking in the front.
Calgary Buddhist Temple Moving Day: Saturday, June 14th
In preparation for renovations starting in late June, we need to clear all the contents from the Temple by June 16th.
How you can help: You can help in three ways:
Donating moving supplies like
The Capital Campaign for our new temple was launched with a presentation by board member, Jackie Robb, and Renovation committee chair, Laura Sugimoto, at the Lethbridge Hanamaturi service on April 6, and we are off to a great start! Our goal is to raise $1
World Buddhist Women’s Convention – Calgary May 2015
Keynote Speakers – Rev. Usuki and Rev. Yanase
We are extremely honored to have Reverend Patricia Kanaya Usuki as the Keynote Speaker in English and Reverend Nana Yanase as the Keynote Speaker in Japanese.
Rev. Patricia Kanaya
What a truly exciting place and time to be living!
The Calgary Buddhist Temple is moving forward with plans for a major, major renovation. Our main building, being over 100 years old, has served us well for over thirty years but has needed modernization for