Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

JSBTC WF Dana Event – Calgary

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

With the need to support local outreach because of the pandemic, we’re holding a special Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Women’s Federation (JSBTC WF) Dana event where donations can be made at the temple or by eTransfer between Sunday, March 27 to Sunday, April 4.

The donations will be consolidated and the funds will be sent to an organization of our choice. Donors can email with suggestions of a local charity that we could support this year.  The responses will determine where the money is directed. Thanks to people like you, $1,335 was raised last year and donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support the health and wellness of others.

Your kindness and generosity is appreciated.  Thank you for considering a wonderful gift of “Dana” – giving without thought of receiving something in return.

eTransfer:  To to be collected for Temple reporting and receipting purposes (tax receipts for donations over $20). It is important to include in the ‘Message:’ field: “WF Dana donation”. 

Cash or cheques made out to the Calgary Buddhist Temple can be left at the temple during this timeframe as well with clear identification that it is a “WF Dana donation”. 

Background:  Traditionally in March, the Calgary Buddhist Temple holds an annual Dana Day when donations are collected and sent to the WF national organization for consolidation to support social welfare.  For the past two years, due to the many challenges associated with COVID, the WF has encouraged temples to continue to recognize Dana Day giving and to use the funds to support local initiatives.

Casino Volunteers

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Tuesday June 14 and Wednesday June 15, 2022

Cash Casino 4040 Blackfoot Trail SE

It has been 2 and a half years since our last casino and the AGLC has assigned our casino dates as noted above. It feels almost reckless to try to organize an event in these times of surging Covid case numbers, but we must prepare and hope that the worst has passed by June. So, I am recruiting casino volunteers.  If our casino dates are changed for any reason, I will reconfirm with everyone who has signed up.

All Calgary casino facilities require patrons to show proof of vax/neg test and require everyone to be masked.

The funds we received from previous casinos have been vital to our temple during this pandemic, they have allowed us to continue to offer services and Sanga engagement during these months of restricted social gatherings and seemingly continual isolation. They help us “keep the lights on”.

To volunteer for these casino dates, please go to: 

In gassho,

Jean Masuda, Casino Volunteer Coordinator,

Sunday Services – In-Person & Online

Saturday, January 15, 2022

We are pleased to be able to provide a hybrid service with in-person and online live-streaming available. Both start at 10:00am (MST) with EVERYONE welcome however, please do NOT attend in-person if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms. 

ONLINE live-streaming is from our Facebook group Calgary Buddhist Temple, and the relevant sections from our service book can be found here approximately one day prior:

2022 CBT Membership

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Happy New Year. Hopefully 2022 will be a better year than 2020/2021 and we can get closer to the way things were before the pandemic.

Each year we ask that you consider becoming a friend, a member, of the Calgary Buddhist Temple and join us in the preservation of its success. The success of the Temple is reflected in the ability to manage monetary commitments but more importantly in the ability for us to unite as a Sangha in the shared interest of spreading the dharma.

We are truly grateful for your continued friendship as a member of the Calgary Buddhist Temple and may we all continue to be guided by the light of the Dharma. If you require any further information, one of the board of directors or sensei’s of the Temple would be happy to answer your questions. 


JSBTC Japan Tour in 2023

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Sunday, February 6th, 2022 at 12pm Pacific; 1pm Mountain; 2pm Central; 3pm Eastern

Everyone is welcome to attend this online presentation on the JSBTC (Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada) Japan Tour in 2023 hosted by the Calgary Buddhist Temple Sangha Engagement.  The tour will be from May 7-12, 2023 and the occasion is to commemorate Shinran Shonin’s 850th Birth Anniversary as well as the Jodo Shinshu 800th Foundation Anniversary Kyosan Hoyo in addition to the 17th World Buddhist Women’s Convention – all in Kyoto, Japan!

Please register for this online Japan Tour presentation which will include time for questions and answers.  Register for the presentation at: and visit for more information on the tour although some details are being finalized and are subject to change.