Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Upcoming Fundraising Events (updated Mar 27)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

  • Garage sale – June TBA – our annual celebration of impermanence. Decluttering? Spring Cleaning? Nudging adult children out of the house? We can help by selling those items that no longer spark joy at the Garage Sale! Watch your email and newsletter for drop off dates and volunteer information. No clothing, books or furniture please.
  • Casino – our biggest fundraiser! We have been assigned our casino dates: Saturday Sept 14 and Sunday Sept 15, at Cash Casino. Volunteer recruitment will start in May.

Please watch your email for links to Signup Genius to volunteer, or contact Jean Masuda at

Many Thanks to those who helped make the Mein magic happen on Friday evening and/or Sunday morning (March 22 and 24) joining the fundraising committee members to make mein. Together we turned 40 kg of flour and other ingredients into approximately 300 baggies of mein for sale, and also can supply mein for temple lunches. It was truly a friends and family affair, as workers visited with old and new acquaintances. The dough was prepared under the expert guidance of Sally Hironaka.

Thanks to CJCA, noodle making and cooking took place in the newly renovated commercial kitchen at the CJCA Nikkei Centre. I’m pretty sure that it was David who suggested that we should refer to our product as “hand crafted artesian noodles” and I know that we all agree! We finished Sunday with lunch provided by Mickey. I am embarrassed to admit, I am not sure which volunteers brought treats, but as usual with Temple events, there are those thoughtful people who bring goodies.

CBT Fundraising Committee.

2019 Calgary Buddhist Temple Membership

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Our 2019 Calgary Buddhist Membership form is now available in our membership section and is available in print at the temple. Memberships are $100 per person with students (under 18) and seniors (65 & over) complimentary. Please consider taking out a membership to help support our temple. It also gives us an opportunity to refresh and update our sangha list and allows us to more accurately assess our needs going forward.

Ho’onko Luncheon

Friday, January 04, 2019

Hello Temple Friends and Happy New Year!

On Sunday, January 13th, we hope you can join us for the Ho’onko service and luncheon. If you’d like to bring a dish, please SIGN UP. Thank you always for your generous support!

In Gassho,

Volunteer Opportunities

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Running a temple is not easy! A successful temple requires effort from many people, most of whom are volunteers. Toban (Japanese for “it’s your turn”) is a way to spread the work of the temple among all the members.

If you are able to help with various events or temple needs, please consider signing up for our “Sign-Up Genius List”, by emailing Yuko Ono at

2019 Special Events

We would love to see new people help out as Toban for special events in 2019. Email Yuko if you’re interested in any of following events:
• Ho-onko (Jan 13)
• Hanamatsuri (Apr 7)
• Keirokai (May 26)
• Obon (Aug 24)
• Bodhi Day (Dec 8)