Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Grey Cup Party

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Get your party hats and Stampeder jerseys on as our team will be in the Grey Cup again* and remember, third time’s the charm!

Join us for the 106th Grey Cup Game party at the temple Sunday November 25 – Doors open at 4:00 pm and close after the Cup is presented to the Stamps!

This year it is Dharma Dogs on the menu so you just need to bring your own favourite refreshments and a comfortable chair if so desired!

If you can help selling pool tickets please pick some up after the Sunday service!

Only $2 a pop so they are easy to sell!

GO Stamps GO!

*the Calgary Buddhist Temple assumes no liability if the Stamps don’t make it to the Grey Cup (LOL)

Women’s Federation (WF) Forum

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

On Sunday, Dec 9, right after the Bodhi Day lunch, meet in the hondo to find out about the 2019 World Buddhist Women’s Convention, find out what the Women’s Federation does, and provide input on the direction of the WF locally.

Please remember to bring a donation for the Calgary Women’s Centre such as new, unwrapped gift donations for children ages 0 – 17 or new, unwrapped gift donations for women.


The Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada (JSBTC) Women’s Federation (WF), has tasked a subcommittee to update the organizations Terms of Reference or “ToR”. The desire is to regain membership and inject vitality to make the organization more current and attractive to join!

This is the first DRAFT copy of the JSBTCWF_ToR_v1.2 which is a document intended to initiate discussion within local Temples. Let’s take this opportunity to have energizing dialogue that inspires growth!

The WF encourages input, suggestions, and constructive feedback from everyone so that this document can truly be a collaborative effort.

Christmas Ikebana Class

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Register to make a beautiful flower arrangement/centerpiece that will impress your friends and family over the holidays!

Saturday, December 22 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Price $65 (includes all materials except container.)

A minimum of 5 people are needed to proceed with the class and space will be limited to 7 people so that adequate, personal instruction can be provided.

Please contact Rika Saruwatari / / 403-252-4703 to register or for more details.

Walk with Me – a film about Thich Nhat Hanh – showing Thursday November 8th at the Temple

Tuesday, October 09, 2018










A film about Vietnamese Mindfulness Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.

Shown in Partnership with the Wild Rose Sangha, a Sangha in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Doors open 6pm

Start at 6:30pm with a teaching from Mindfulness Teacher Chan Huy from Montreal.

Film at 7:15pm, space is limited to 125 people.

Public invited, Cost is Free, although Dana will be accepted to help defray the costs only.($5 each? Thank you!)

Walk with Me

2018 JSBTC Day – Oct 28

Saturday, September 22, 2018

“The Autumn season also typically signifies that JSBTC Day is soon upon us. This is a day when we all do our best to pay our respects and to commemorate all those who have preceded us in spreading the Dharma. Each Temple in our Kyodan normally selects a day either in October or in early November to celebrate JSBTC Day.”

The Calgary Buddhist Temple will be commemorating JSBTC (Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada) Day on Sunday, Oct 28. Please consider making a donation on JSBTC Day to help continue to deliver important health and insurance benefits to all our ministers, to provide educational opportunities for them and to also enable the JSBTC to assist local Temples in their challenge and quest to continue to share the Dharma to our greater communities.

Message regarding JSBTC Day from our JSBTC President, Mr. Larry Wakisaka

Message regarding JSBTC Day from our JSBTC Bishop, Sensei Tatsuya Aoki

JSBTC Day Reminder on Donation Procedures

As in recent years, the local temples collect the donations for JSBTC Day (count the donations received, receipt their members/donors and forward the proceeds with a list of the names and addresses of the donors as well as the amounts donated to JSBTC).

Donors should write their cheques payable to their local temple indicating “JSBTC Day” in the memo area of the cheque.

Thank you for your cooperation in this important procedural matter.

Annual Chow Mein Dinner – UPDATED

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Calgary Buddhist Temple will be holding our annual Chow Mein Supper on Saturday, October 20, 2018 from 4:30 to 8:00 PM at the temple (658 1st Ave NE). Tickets are $20 (you can either eat-in or take out). We will  be selling various Japanese-themed items as well as tickets for our WestJet raffle. All proceeds from the dinner will go towards the CBT Capital Campaign. For tickets, please contact Dan at or Mickey at Tickets will also be available at the temple (Sundays services) leading up to the event. 

Updated Oct 1: This is our biggest fundraiser and we need your help to fill various positions to make this a success. Please go to SignUpGenius to volunteer.