Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

New Capital Campaign Brochure and Pledge form – Fall 2016

Friday, September 09, 2016

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the CBT Capital Campaign. Since the spring of 2014, we have raised over $800,000 of or $1,000,000 goal through pledges, donations and fundraising activities. We are still actively fundraising to pay off the remaining portion of our debt and have events planned for the fall. We have also put together an updated Capital Campaign brochure which is available for download both here and as a printed brochure at the temple. Thank you once again for your continued support.


Temple closed for a few weeks in August, then OBON

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Please note that the Temple is CLOSED for a few weeks in August!

No Sunday Services on August 14th and 21st. and no Thursday Services during that time.


Then one of our largest Services if the year – OBON, with guest speaker Rev Christina Yanko from Toronto Buddhist Temple and originally from Alberta.


The Temple Service will be at 3pm on August 28th.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Obon is a Buddhist observance that was originally observed in Mahayana Buddhist countries, including China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Obon season is a time to express our gratitude to loved ones who have passed on before us. Without them, we would not be who we are today, due to the basic tenet of interdependence.

Since we’re all influenced by a countless number of beings, our interconnections, and therefore our debt of gratitude, is without bounds. Thus, temples hold an Obon memorial service to enable people to pay tribute to the departed. The service is usually held separately from the festival so that the sangha (Buddhist community) can participate in this solemn and respectful remembrance in quiet reflection.

The word “Obon” is the abbreviated name of the ancient Ullambana Sutra, whose Japanese pronunciation is Urabon. The sutra tells of the Buddhist monk, Maudgalyayana (Mokuren in Japanese) who offered food to the sangha in an effort to release his mother from her hellish torments. When she became liberated, her son is said to have danced for joy.


Reverend Makino – Special Guest Speaker from Hawaii – Sat, July 16 10:30am

Monday, June 20, 2016

Reverend Makino

The Calgary Buddhist Temple will host a special Dharma talk Saturday July 16 at 10:30 am.

Please mark it on your calendar and join us for this special opportunity to hear and see the Dharma in a new light.

Reverend Shigenori Makino from Hawaii will speak on ‘To Have a Place to Return to.’

Reverend Makino studied at Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan where he received a BA and MA in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. He has been a resident minister in many temples throughout Hawaii and has also held many Jodo Shinshu Hawaii State positions. In 2008-2010 he served at the Toronto Buddhist Church, Canada.

With a wealth of experience as a lecturer, volunteer counsellor, chaplain and numerous board advisory roles, his talk will be an incredible opportunity for all of us to learn as he shares the wisdom and insight he has garnered over the years.

