Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Women’s Federation donation to the Calgary Temple Capital building fund

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Susan Huntley, President of the JSBTC Women’s Federation and Chair of the World Buddhist Women’s Convention, presents James Sensei with a cheque for $10,000 for the Temple’s building fund.  Susan thank the Temple Sangha for all its support in making the WBWC a huge success.  She said that she is still getting positive responses from around the world about the May convention and that many people think the convention should be held in Calgary again.WBWC cheque

Peace for Sensei Michael Hayashi

Friday, December 04, 2015

Sensei Michael entered the Pure Land at 2:50 pm CST today.


His family was by his side and he passed away peacefully

maxresdefaultwhile listening to one of his favorite songs “Dust to Dust” by The Civil Wars.


Please join me in reciting the Nembustu.


‎In gassho,


Namu Amida Butsu

Namu Amida Butsu

Namu Amida Butsu

Rev Michael Hayashi special support opportunity

Thursday, December 03, 2015


To Temples, board members, members and friends,

Reverend Michael Hayashi, our wise, caring and genuine friend, the minister for the Manitoba Buddhist Temple will be leaving this earthly life soon. He has incurable stage 4 stomach cancer. He is being made comfortable in palliative care at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre.

The provisions have been made to bring Kiyomi and his three sons to Winnipeg to be with him and with his mother, sister, aunts and uncle that have traveled there from all over Canada. Members of the Manitoba Buddhist Temple have been providing food and other comforts as well as helping to make medical and other necessary arrangements.

There is no doubt that Reverend Michael has touched many people in his many years as a minister.

The JSBTC has consulted with the family on how we can convey messages of support and how to help with the many expenses the family faces .

Loving Thoughts and Financial Gratitude

1. By email directly to Rev. Michael:

2. By mail addressed to:
Kiyomi Hayashi and family c/o
220 Jackson Ave
Vancouver B.C. V6A 3B3

Cheques should be payable to: Kiyomi Hayashi
Please include your name, address or email in your message.

3. At your local Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temple:
Temples will accept sealed envelopes containing cards and cheques marked with your name and address. Please avoid using cash however if this is necessary, include your name and address.

4. By credit card on the web (in Canada and abroad):
visit: on the homepage you will see an article and Button to “Send Support to Rev. Hayashi”. Click on the button and follow instructions including entering your email, message and mailing address. The service costs approximately $0.60 plus 5.5% of the transaction amount. The family will receive the net amount. This service may be available on other temple websites as well. This method will be available at least until January 1, 2016 and may be extended further.

Please note that financial support of this nature does not qualify for CRA tax receipts
On behalf of the JSBTC and Bishop Tatsuya Aoki,
Trudy Gahlinger, JSBTC Secretary

An opportunity to donate to assist his family will be available after the Dec 13th Sunday Service at the Calgary Temple.


Calgary Food Bank donations

Monday, November 16, 2015

From our Community For our Community

As the holiday season draws near, the Calgary Buddhist Temple is supporting the Calgary Food Bank by collecting non-perishable food items. You can drop off items at the Temple until Sunday, Dec. 13 for those less fortunate.
The Calgary Food Bank is community owned and community supported, meaning that all donations come directly from people like you!
NOT SURE WHAT TO DONATE? Think about what you and your own family enjoy or use often.



Westjet raffle tickets!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Win WestJet flights for two!


Raffle tickets are available for two WestJet tickets to anywhere WestJet flies.

They are $20 for 1 and $50 for 3.

We will be doing the draw at the Bodhi Day service on December 6, 2015.

For tickets, please contact Lester at,

