Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Calgary Buddhist Temple Moving Day: Saturday, June 14th

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Calgary Buddhist Temple Moving Day: Saturday, June 14th


In preparation for renovations starting in late June, we need to clear all the contents from the Temple by June 16th.


How you can help: You can help in three ways:

  • Donating moving supplies like boxes, etc
  • Packing up on Saturday, the 14th
  • Moving out on Sunday, the 15th

Moving Supplies: We (really, really) need the following materials and would be grateful for any donations you can make:

  • 50 cardboard boxes (!!)
  • 10 Large felt markers to label boxes
  • 10 Rolls of packing tape and packing tape dispensers
  • Big stacks of newspaper
  • 20-30 old blankets for furniture and fragiles
  • 5 rolls of bubble wrap for pictures, small fragiles
  • Fragile stickers for the fragiles

If you have moving supplies that you can donate, please drop them off at the Temple before the 2:00 PM memorial service on Saturday, June 7th or before regular service at 10:30 AM on Sunday, the 8th.


Volunteers for Packing Up: We (really, really, really!) need people to help go through things and pack up all the rooms in the temple on Saturday. We estimate that we’ll need at least 10 volunteers in the morning and in the afternoon.


Fortunately, we expect the work won’t involve too much heavy lifting so any one can participate in helping.


If you can volunteer on Saturday the 14th, please RSVP with Ken Madden at . We’ll be starting at 9:00AM.


Volunteers for Moving Out: This is less urgent as we already have some volunteers to help us. However, if you aren’t planning to go the Father’s Day picnic and want to help on Sunday, we’d be grateful for your assistance.


You’ll even be more popular if you have a truck to help move things to storage!


If you can volunteer on Sunday the 15th and/or can bring a truck, please RSVP with Dave Robertson at . We’ll be starting at 9:00AM.





Capital Campaign for our new temple

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Capital Campaign for our new temple was launched with a presentation by board member, Jackie Robb, and Renovation committee chair, Laura Sugimoto, at the Lethbridge Hanamaturi service on April 6, and we are off to a great start! Our goal is to raise $1 Million, the remainder of our total budget of $1.95 Million.CBT_fundraising_therometer_may18 Please click here for more information.

Thank you those of you who have donated for your generous support !

April Donors
Roland and Brenda Ikuta
Barry and Jackie Robb
Doug Cruickshank
Lester and Mickey Ikuta
Kerry and Erin Nagata

Temple Renovations Proceeding! Temple Building closing in June!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

BIG EVENTS at the Calgary Buddhist Temple in the next coming weeks, important enough to ask you to read this.


Saturday, JUNE 7 – 49 Day Service for SK Ikuta Sensei at the Calgary Buddhist Temple
An opportunity to pay your respects in town, in the Temple he led, to the Beloved Sensei that deeply affected so many.
That’s Right! We are closing the Temple building for Renovations until about late December.
Sunday Services WILL continue at a location to be announced.
Thursday evening Services may take a different form.
Saturday, June 14th – WE NEED YOUR HELP! To pack Temple belongings for storage. 9AM start, come for a few hours to help as you can. The more people the easier.
Sunday, June 15th – Family Picnic at Edworthy Park – no Temple Service as the last Service was June 8th, but a picnic as we traditionally do – kids Welcome! EVERYONE Welcome! Bring a dish, share ours.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your assistance and support during this time of change, improvement, challenge.
I promise we will endeavour to humbly continue to meet your needs during coming months.
James Martin Sensei is away for another week, but if you need to contact me, I can assist you as you need or try to answer your questions.
In Gasshou, with 2 hands together

Reminder: Keirokai Service this Sunday is at the Calgary Japanese Community Association centre

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Our Honoured Seniors 2014

Keirokai 2014

Keirokai – to honour our Senior members.

Who would our Temple be without our Senior Members?

There was no official Service at the Temple this Sunday, but we will return to normal for next week.



Calgary Nikkei Cultural & Senior Centre

Address: 2236-29 Street SW, Calgary







Time: 10:30am as usual

There was no meditation this week.

A Bento lunch was served free to the Senior members.


