Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Sunday Services In-Person & Online – past

Friday, November 03, 2023

It is our pleasure to offer our Sunday Service in-person and via live-streaming – both start at 10:00am (MST). We look forward to you joining us, and everyone is welcome! 

Online live-streaming is from our Facebook group Calgary Buddhist Temple, and the relevant sections from our service book can be found here approximately one day prior:


Furoshiki Workshop

Saturday, October 28, 2023

With Christmas just around the corner, and due to popular demand, the Calgary Buddhist Temple Sangha Engagement is pleased to host this workshop on Sunday, Nov 26/23 starting at 1pm at the Temple and taught by a local business rep from Nanao Kimono ( Nanao Kimono is a Japanese lifestyle shop in Kensington full of an assortment of treasures brought from Japan.

Cost of the workshop is $30 per person which includes a beautiful furoshiki (gst and eventbrite processing fee included). Maximum registration is 10 people so don’t delay – register today!

Furoshiki have been used for hundreds of years for a great many uses. The Word “Furo” translates to “bath”, and “shiki” means “to spread out”. Originally, they were used to wrap up sacred and important items at temples or shrines, then later were adopted for carrying personal items to and from the public bathhouse. More recently, Furoshiki became very popular as a simple handbag, grocery bag, and especially, as a reusable gift wrapping!

Register here

Casino Volunteers needed

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wednesday, January 3, 2024 and Thursday, January 4, 2024
Ace Casino Airport – 40 Aero Are NE, Calgary AB, T2E 6W5

It has been one and a half years since our last casino and the AGLC has assigned our casino dates as noted above.

We are looking to fill 36 volunteer positions over the two days (day shifts, night shifts and count room). I have also added slots for spares in case of any last minute cancellations. Please note that this is a different location from the one we have usually worked at in the past. Instead of Blackfoot Trail SE, we have be assigned the new Ace Casino Airport. I have already added people who have indicated to me that they were able to volunteer but please double check that the shift I assigned you works.

All volunteer jobs are simple and straightforward, and there is expert assistance available at all times. Volunteers are provided with dinner and snacks. Casinos are generally less busy during the week so volunteers should expect that there will be a lot of “down” time.

The funds we received from previous casinos have been vital to our temple. They have allowed us to offer services, Sangha engagement and helped fund capital projects like our temple renovations

Thanks for considering taking time out of your busy schedules to help us out with this. I know that even though it is not a physically demanding job, these shifts can be an endurance challenge. To view the online volunteer signup page, use this link:

If you have any questions, please contact Doug  at

Give the Gift of Joy

Sunday, October 22, 2023

The holidays and the winter can be a challenging time of year for many. The Temple is proudly holding two initiatives for those less fortunate that we hope everyone will support.  “Make a difference one toy at a time” and “Warm Pieces for Peace”. Please feel free to drop off your donation(s) on or under the gift tree at the front of the hondo. For anyone wishing to make a monetary donation or donate with a gift certificate, please talk to Susan or email to coordinate.

  1. Make a difference one toy at a time:  Bring new, unwrapped gift donations for children 0-17 with the suggested gift in the $25-$40 price range. We will be collecting until Sunday, Dec 10 for the Women’s Centre of Calgary.
  2. Warm Pieces for Peace: Socks, mitts, scarves, toques, and more – clothing to keep warm is greatly needed over the winter months along with hygiene products. The temple will be collecting these new, warm pieces and taking them to the Calgary Drop In Centre on Sunday, Dec 17.

Thank you for thinking of others.

Giving joy

Thank You for Your Support

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Dear sangha members and friends,

We had a busy fall with various fundraising events culminating in our Chow Mein Dinner and Bakesale on October 21. Thank you everyone for supporting the Temple through ticket purchase, baking, volunteering and organizing. It felt hectic at times but the rewards of a job well-done and seeing and working along-side members and friends makes it worthwhile every time!

We will take a break and enjoy the upcoming holiday season but please keep in mind that we will have similar events including the garage sale and Everything Japanese sale in 2024. We will gratefully accept any items you no longer want late in spring.

Enjoy your break from Signup Genius notices and see you next year!

With gratitude,

Mickey, on behalf of the Fundraising Committee


Bake Sale is coming up

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Our Temple Bake sale is on Saturday, Oct 21.  If you would like to contribute some home baked goods or snacks you can email Mickey at to let her know. We are also happy to receive last-minute goods on Saturday.

If you are looking for ideas, here are what other members are baking:

  • Packages of dozen cookies
  • Muffins, cupcakes
  • 8×8 pans of squares or bars
  • Loaves and Cakes
  • Pies and tarts
  • Mochi, manju
  • Bags of kaki mochi
  • Others of your choosing

*Please ensure the baking is peanut-free.

Drop off times:

  • Friday, October 20, 1– 5pm, or
  • Saturday, October 21, preferably before 2pm but after is ok.