About the Calgary Buddhist Temple
The Calgary Buddhist Temple is a Mahayana Buddhist Temple who are followers of the Jodo Shinshu sect of Pure Land Buddhism. Established in 1951, the temple has been it’s current location in Bridgeland since 1981. We are a part of the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada (JSBTC).
The JSBTC is affiliated with the Nishi Hongwanji of Kyoto, Japan, the mother temple of the Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land) sect of Buddhism. The sect follows the teachings of Shinran Shonin (1173 – 1262). It is a teaching wherein we are endowed with the ultimate goal of Enlightenment symbolized as the Pure Land. Also know as Shin Buddhism.
2016 Calgary Buddhist Temple Year in Review

Read a brief history of the Calgary Buddhist Temple and how we were established.
"It seems to be getting harder and harder to wish someone a “Happy” New Year when we see all the turmoil and suffering...