Temple Renovations Proceeding! Temple Building closing in June!

BIG EVENTS at the Calgary Buddhist Temple in the next coming weeks, important enough to ask you to read this.


Saturday, JUNE 7 – 49 Day Service for SK Ikuta Sensei at the Calgary Buddhist Temple
An opportunity to pay your respects in town, in the Temple he led, to the Beloved Sensei that deeply affected so many.
That’s Right! We are closing the Temple building for Renovations until about late December.
Sunday Services WILL continue at a location to be announced.
Thursday evening Services may take a different form.
Saturday, June 14th – WE NEED YOUR HELP! To pack Temple belongings for storage. 9AM start, come for a few hours to help as you can. The more people the easier.
Sunday, June 15th – Family Picnic at Edworthy Park – no Temple Service as the last Service was June 8th, but a picnic as we traditionally do – kids Welcome! EVERYONE Welcome! Bring a dish, share ours.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your assistance and support during this time of change, improvement, challenge.
I promise we will endeavour to humbly continue to meet your needs during coming months.
James Martin Sensei is away for another week, but if you need to contact me, I can assist you as you need or try to answer your questions.
In Gasshou, with 2 hands together

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