Posts Categorized: Local

Dementia Workshop

The Momiji Society and Japanese Medical Support Network in Canada are co-sponsors of an upcoming workshop on dementia and are offering a 3 hour dementia volunteer training‎ in Calgary on Sunday, July 23! They are preferably targeting caregivers or volunteers for seniors programs. The temple

Dharma Time for Kids

A new season of Dharma Time for Kids will be starting in September! The goal is to host an activity for the kids every Sunday. Lessons will be approximately every-other week, and informal play time/social time for the kids with games and puzzles will be

Ikebana Classes

(Japanese Flower Arrangement) Five classes are being offered by Rika Saruwatari, who trained under Ms. Takato Yokoyama. Rika became a certified shihan (teacher) in 2012. Classes will be held Saturday mornings 10:00 am -12:30 pm on September 16 & 30, October 14 & 28, and

Temple Garage Sale

was held on Saturday, June 3rd – thank you to everyone for coming out and supporting this successful Temple fundraiser! Total sales were an impressive $1,646.25 which is almost $450 more than last year so exceeded expectations! Thank you to the volunteers who worked Thursday

Gotanye & Keirokai

We are celebrating St. Shinran’s birthday (Gotanye) and honoring our Temple’s senior members (Keirokai) on Sunday, May 28th. Please join us for a luncheon following the service. We would like to ask volunteers for some side dishes and some fruit to compliment Japanese curry. Please


Reminder that this Sunday, April 9 is our Hanamatsuri service at 10:00 am and after service there will be a pot luck luncheon. The toban group will be preparing chow mein and rice, but we will needing some other items. If you would be willing

Show Your Creativity!

This is your chance as we are looking for some Buddhist captions for both T-shirts and Aprons that we will be selling at the Omatsuri Festival. Please submit your ideas for captions in person in the “Buddhist Caption Suggestion Box” which you can find in

Gyoza Making

Hello Calgary Buddhist Temple Friends, Spring is on its way and so is Hanamatsuri on April 9, 2017. We would like to sell gyozas (potstickers) at Hanamatsuri and will be making them on Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 9:00 am to noon. Join us to