Mindful Meditation Workshop

Join the Calgary Buddhist Temple Sangha Engagement for this online mindful workshop on Sept 11th which will be led by Ray Nakano.  This workshop will introduce participants to the mindfulness practice of Thich Nhat Hanh. 

In this typical mindfulness meditation session, the program will start with a guided sitting meditation, introductions, a dharma talk, and a dharma sharing between participants.  Mindfulness is a practice that we can do in every waking moment, not just in a meditation session.  We learn how to be both in the boat on the sea of life with its ups and downs, stormy waves and calm water, and on the shore watching ourselves in the boat.  This workshop will show you how to reduce your stress, and create more joy and happiness in your life.

Register in advance by going to: https://bit.ly/MindfulMed-11Sep22

2 Responses to “Mindful Meditation Workshop”

  1. Brie Nunes

    Having difficulty with sleep and would like to better learn how to destress and calm my mind


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