Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

On Being Yukiko

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Calgary Buddhist Temple, the Calgary Japanese Community Association, the Japanese Canadian Association of Manitoba, and the Edmonton Japanese Community Association have joined together to host an online “Meet the Authors” presentation with the authors of On Being Yukiko, Jeff Chiba Stearns and Lillian Michiko Blakey.

A collaborative graphic novel created by Sansei artist Lillian Michiko Blakey and Yonsei animation filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns, this intergenerational story is the first time a graphic novel has ever been created to address both themes of Japanese Canadian history and identity.

Open to the public, we welcome everyone to attend either FREE 1.5 hour presentation!  For ease of joining, the link to attend both presentations will be posted on the Calgary Buddhist Temple website and on Facebook!

PRESENTATION 1: February 25, 2021, 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST (Aimed more towards the adults but families are also welcome.) 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 4233 6007                Passcode: 638475

PRESENTATION 2: February 27, 2021, 9am PST / 10am MST / 11am CST / 12pm EST (Second presentation to be family-focused and will encourage more youth participation but feel free to attend whichever presentation is more convenient for you!)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 9201 6595                Passcode: 181808

Find your local number:


On Being Yukiko is structured as a conversation between 12-year-old Emma or Yukiko and her ba-chan (grandmother), who tells Emma the story of how her great-great grandmother Maki, a Japanese picture bride, arrived in Canada at the turn of the 20th century. Maki’s story of extreme perseverance and sacrifice inspires Emma, who identifies as a quarter Japanese, to discover a deeper connection to her Japanese Canadian identity…and on being Yukiko.

The book gently addresses important themes like intergenerational relationships, intermarriage, systemic racism and the need to fight for social justice, using the graphic novel format.

We hope you are able to take advantage to hear these authors speak and engage with the community.

Dharma School Teachers Wanted!

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Living Dharma Centre is looking for volunteers to become Dharma School Teachers for our once monthly Zoom Dharma School.   This would involve leading an age appropriate lesson or activity based on a monthly Theme.  The lesson would be approximately 20 minutes.

If you would like to volunteer, you would need to participate in a Zoom planning meeting once a month and then teach the class on the last Saturday of each month – the session runs from 9 to 9:45am PST.

We are hoping that enough people volunteer so we will have co-teachers in case you can’t teach every month. Depending on the demographics of the Students that participate I am hoping we can have 3 classes:  Grade 3 and under,  Grades 4 to 7, Grade 8 and older.   

You lesson plans would be approved by one of our ministers, or if you want, we can brainstorm for lesson plan ideas at our monthly planning meetings.

The first Zoom Dharma School service is on January 30th, and since it is such short notice, I have taken the liberty of planning the activity for the under Grade 7 group.  I hope someone will come up with a lesson plan for the Grade 8 and up, but I do have an idea for them too if we need to use it.

I hope families will participate in this FUN virtual Sangha which in turn will encourage them to return to our Temple Dharma Schools once COVID is over.

Thank you for your consideration and help in making this a reality!

In gassho,

Mari Cameron 

Vernon Buddhist Temple

Zoom Dharma School

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Living Dharma Centre has great news!   Under the direction of Mari Cameron in Vernon, the LDC  will be hosting a Zoom Dharma School once a month on the last Saturday of each month from 9:00 to 9:45 am PST.

Zoom Dharma School will follow this format:

  •   20 minute service with everyone,
  •   5-20 minutes of age-appropriate theme based activity or lesson with Dharma school teachers in separate Zoom breakout rooms, and
  •   5 minutes of Closing service and announcements with everyone.

The first Zoom Dharma School Service is next Saturday, January 30th. 9:00 to 9:45 AM PST.   The theme will be The Hidden Buddha In You, with Aoki Socho leading the service.

Would you please forward this information to your Dharma School leaders and to those Temple families who in non-COVID times attend your Dharma School?

On January 27th, we will email a Zoom invitation to the Service and we ask that you please also forward the invitation to your Dharma School leaders and Temple families.

NOTE:  For those Dharma School students who plan to participate on January 30th, and who are up to Grade 7, please have three pieces of fruit that contain seeds and a cutting board ready for the dharma lesson.  The supervising adult will also need a knife to help the student with this activity.

Hope you will be able to join us for the first ever Zoom Dharma School!  I promise it will be FUN!

If you have any questions, please email Mari Cameron.

In gassho,

LDC- JSBTC Zoom Dharma School 

Resolving Life’s Problems through Buddhism

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Calgary Buddhist Temple Sangha Engagement was truly honored to have Rev. Marvin Harada, the Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America, share the Dharma with us on Sunday, Feb 7 at 2pm MST.

Buddhism enables us to resolve any of life’s problems that we might face.  In this seminar, Rev. Harada will touch on four major issues in life: 

  1. The matter of life and death
  2. Relationship Issues
  3. Work Issues
  4. Self Esteem issues

“We all face such issues in life, but we may not see how Buddhism enables us to truly resolve any of them.”

The recording of this presentation can be found HERE:  Passcode: c=A5kqTA

CBT Custom Mask

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The Calgary Buddhist Temple has a limited number of custom printed, adjustable twill face masks available. These made in Canada masks are triple layered with two inner natural cotton knits and are available in two colours (black and white) and three sizes (Adult regular, Adult large and Youth). They are $20 each, 3 for $50 or 5 for $80. For more information, contact Doug at