Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

The Hidden Messages in Water

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Calgary Buddhist Temple Sangha Engagement is honored to have Sensei Tanis Moore, of the Manitoba Buddhist Temple, present a thought-provoking workshop on Sunday, August 29 @ 1pm MDT.  This workshop will look at Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research, photos, relationship with Buddhist thought, and the rice experiment, which shows the truth of his message.

Register for this workshop by visiting:

Dr. Emoto was a Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm.  For over 20 years, until he passed away in 2014, he studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.

Using high speed photography, Dr. Emoto discovered the crystals formed in frozen water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings.

Since humans and the earth are composed mostly of water, his findings have far-reaching ramifications for individuals, for human society, and for the global environment.

“Without water, no life has its birth.”

From the Eighfold Path to Happiness (from Seiten):

     2. Right thoughts: to turn our minds away from violence and hatred

     3. Right speech: to refrain from harmful talk and use our words wisely

From Thich Nhat Hanh

“…and the Buddha replied, ‘Yes, we can say that there are Six Elements.’ These are the Four Great Elements (mahabhuta) of earch, water, fire, and air, plus space and consciousness… All physical phenomena are made up of these Sic Elements.”

Our bodies are approximately 60% water, our brain and heart a huge 73% each.  Seventy-one percent of Earth’s surface (mostly seas and oceans), is made up of water.

We all know who important hydration is to our health; it is helpful to realize that the thoughts we infuse into the water we use and share with others can affect us all in so many ways.

Introduction to Naikan

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Calgary Buddhist Temple will be holding an Introduction to Naikan as a means for self-reflection led by our own Rev. Robert Gubenco. Wednesday, June 9 is Day 1, and Day 2 is a follow-up session on Wednesday, June 30. Start time for both is 7pm MST.

The Japanese word nai means inner or inside and the word kan means looking. When these two words are combined Naikan translates as inside looking which refers to looking within as a means of self-reflection. Naikan uses three simple yet structured questions for the purpose of self-reflection. The questions are designed to remove one’s personal feelings and to bring one’s attention or awareness to the reality of the give and take connection that exists in relationships.

If you have an interest in understanding oneself and relationships, please join us!

Register in advance: 

Quieting the Inner Critic

Friday, March 26, 2021

Thursday, May 13th, 2021 at 7pm MST  

Engage with the Sangha and attend this enlightening workshop to learn to quiet the voices of self doubt so you can bring more joy and satisfaction to your life.  Presented by Centrivity.

We all struggle with self doubt from time to time.  We hold ourselves back from living more freely and experiencing life to its fullest because we think, 

  • “What if I fail?” 
  • “What will others think?”
  • “What if I’m not good enough?” 
  • “It would be selfish if I did”

This 90 minute introductory session will open your awareness to the inner thoughts and dialogue that are limiting your ability to live life to its fullest. 

You will learn 

  • to identify the Inner Critic
  • the 4 strategies to quiet the Inner Critic
  • how to listen to and trust the voice of your Inner Guide so you can make decisions with clarity and confidence 

Register in advance:  

Sunday Services In-person & Online

Friday, March 05, 2021

We are pleased to announce our Temple doors are open to limited in-person attendance – please ensure you signup and are comfortable with the guidelines below.  In addition, we will continue to hold regular Sunday Services Online from our Facebook group, Calgary Buddhist Temple, also starting at 10:00am (MST).  EVERYONE is welcome by either method!

SIGNUP to attend the in-person serviceSunday, Dec 19 – Last Service for 2021!

Please review to determine if attending an in-person service is within your comfort zone.

  1. Physical distancing is in effect and masks are mandatory.
  2. The Temple would appreciate that all attendees over 12 years are fully vaccinated.
  3. Chanting – anyone wanting to chant out loud must wear a mask. Those who would prefer to distance themselves from people chanting aloud can sit in the mezzanine. The mezzanine will be a silent chanting zone.
  4. Each person attending will be asked to register online. We will be using a SIGNUP Genius signup form.
  5. Temple washrooms will be available for emergency only.
  6. Please do not attend if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms.

For ONLINE Sunday Services, the relevant sections from our service book can be found here at least a day prior:

Jodo Shinshu Basics with Sensei Robert

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 7pm MST

Our own Calgary resident minister, Sensei Robert Gubenco, will be leading this informative workshop and speaking about some of the basics of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.  This will be a great workshop for those who maybe new to the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism or those who are always interested in learning more.  Everyone is welcome to attend this free workshop as Sensei talks to us about the following:

  • Siddhartha’s four sights that effected his life
  • Shakyamuni Buddha’s teaching of the Four Noble Truths
  • Amida Buddha and the Sutra on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life

Register in advance by going to:   

Easy to Do!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient and secure

way to send a donation or pay membership fees directly from your bank

account to the Calgary Buddhist Temple.

If you wish to use e-Transfer, please use the email address

Remember to provide text as to the purpose/reason for the transfer (donation, membership, in memory, etc.), and if you require a tax receipt, also include your mailing address in the message area of the transfer.  Tax receipts are cumulative (for fiscal year) for amounts $20 or more.

Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated!