2018 JSBTC Day – Oct 28
“The Autumn season also typically signifies that JSBTC Day is soon upon us. This is a day when we all do our best to pay our respects and to commemorate all those who have preceded us in spreading the Dharma. Each Temple in our Kyodan normally selects a day either in October or in early November to celebrate JSBTC Day.”
The Calgary Buddhist Temple will be commemorating JSBTC (Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada) Day on Sunday, Oct 28. Please consider making a donation on JSBTC Day to help continue to deliver important health and insurance benefits to all our ministers, to provide educational opportunities for them and to also enable the JSBTC to assist local Temples in their challenge and quest to continue to share the Dharma to our greater communities.
Message regarding JSBTC Day from our JSBTC President, Mr. Larry Wakisaka
Message regarding JSBTC Day from our JSBTC Bishop, Sensei Tatsuya Aoki
JSBTC Day Reminder on Donation Procedures
As in recent years, the local temples collect the donations for JSBTC Day (count the donations received, receipt their members/donors and forward the proceeds with a list of the names and addresses of the donors as well as the amounts donated to JSBTC).
Donors should write their cheques payable to their local temple indicating “JSBTC Day” in the memo area of the cheque.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important procedural matter.