Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Fundraising – updated June 7

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

As we head into late spring, the Fundraising committee is gearing up for our annual events. We are requesting once again for your participation and help.

We are asking for donation of garage sale items for our annual garage sale on June 23rd. If you have items to donate we will gratefully accept items other than clothing, books and large furniture. Two ways to drop off items:

1. Bring them to the Temple on Service Days (Sundays or Thursdays).
2. Arrange for a drop off outside of those days or a pickup by contacting:

• Jean at or 403-975-6087
• Mickey at or 403-271-8824

* We are looking for help with pricing on Thur, June 14 and selling on Sat, June 23. Please SIGNUP if you can lend a hand!

We are also taking donations of new or gently used Japanese items for our sales table at the Calgary Japanese Festival “Omatsuri”.

Family Picnic – Sunday, June 17

Monday, May 14, 2018

Everyone is welcome on Sunday, June 17 for our annual Family Day Picnic at Edworthy Park, site #1 on the south side of the river. Join us for some games, races, camaraderie and sunshine. Pack a lunch and be ready to share as it usually ends up being a potluck affair.

As so many of us know our family units now often include beings that are not human but are still so very important to our family regardless. A short service will be held at 11:30 to reflect upon all the sentient beings that have been a part of our journey through life and have supported us through good times and bad.

If you have a pet you would like to bring along or perhaps a memento of a pet that has passed please bring that and we will take a moment to reflect upon all the non human beings that have supported our existence and asked for so little in return.

Access is best from the south side of the park off of Bow Trail. From the north side walk across the bridge and look for the pack at site #1.

May 27 – Gotany’e and Keirokai

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Recognizing Shinran’s Birth and Senior’s Appreciation Day!

Gotany’e – The birth of the Founder of Jodo Shinshu is commemorated annually as an expression of joy and happiness. Shinran Shonin was born at Hino, a few miles southeast of Kyoto on May 21, 1173.

Keirokai is a special time to honor the elders of our community (“Kei” means to honor or respect; “ro” refers to the elderly).

Please join us for a luncheon after service. If there is anyone who is a member 70 years or older and is not on the list, please contact Yuko at

2018 JSBTC Annual General Meeting

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Calgary Buddhist Temple was pleased to host the 2018 Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada (JSBTC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Calgary, Alberta from April 27th to April 29th, 2018.

So many to thank for making our hosting event such a great success……….

Thank you to the planning committee, all the board members, assistant Senseis and especially to the volunteers who are too many to name!

Your contribution to our national AGM is greatly appreciated!

To view or download the complete event schedule – 2018 AGM Schedule or refer to the meeting webpage for additional information.

Volunteers Needed!

Sunday, April 08, 2018

The Calgary Buddhist Temple is honored to host the 2018 Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Annual General Meeting (JSBTC AGM) from Thursday April 25th to Sunday April 29, 2018 which will be held at the Temple.

As the host temple, we have the opportunity for our members to volunteer for various positions during the four days. Please understand that we require your phone number, preferably cell number, for this event. Bakers, you can bring your homemade goodies during the event or bring them earlier on the Sunday before, on April 22, to be frozen. Drivers, please let us know how many guests you are able to transport by writing in comments.

Please SIGN UP if you able to help/volunteer!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dan McCormack at 403-585-0518.

With your help, we will be great hosts to our Canadian Bishop, our wonderful ministers from across Canada, the Board and Temple delegates as well as observers and other out-of-town guests!

In gassho,

Hanamatsuri – April 8th

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The “Flower Festival” is commemorated on this day to celebrate the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became enlightened as Shakyamuni Buddha. The “hanamido” a miniature floral altar of bright flowers, provides the scene of the beautiful Lumbini Garden. The statue of the baby Buddha, illustrates the merits of Amida Buddha, reaching out to all beings. The pouring of sweet tea on the statue of baby Buddha (kambutsu) represents the gentle rain which fell on Lumbini’s Garden that day.

After the Hanamatsuri service on Sunday, April 8th, join us for lunch. Please SIGN UP if you are able to bring some items to complete the Chow Mein and Ham Sandwich lunch and thank you to those who have already let the Toban group know what you’re bringing. Thank you for everyone’s contribution!

We will also be selling yummy homemade Gyoza for $10/ dozen.