Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Calgary Buddhist Temple AGM

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held following the regular service on Sunday, April 15.

It is important that you join us in supporting the current board and adding your voice to the business of operating the temple!

Our success depends on having an active Sangha that cares and wishes Jodo Shinshu to continue to grow in the future!

Thank you!

Casino Update

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thank you to all the casino volunteers on March 4 & 5, 2018 – you help make great things happen!

This year, every volunteer not only worked long hours, sometimes past 3 am, taking precious time out of their weekend and evenings, and many also had to take time off work. Add in a commute shortly after a major snowfall in a record setting snow year and the result is a super-human effort made by all. I know that each and every one of you volunteer time and time again for numerous events, and probably multiple organizations. That’s just the kind of people you are.

In spite of those obstacles, the casino ran perfectly, thanks to all the dedicated volunteers. And their reward? A not bad casino meal, perhaps some indulgence in junk food, visiting with other volunteers, and satisfaction in the knowledge that every volunteer is critical to the success of this event.

On behalf of the Temple,
Jean Masuda


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

At long last we have completed the temple columbarium previously announced as part of our building renovation plans.

The columbarium room is located to the right of the naijin area.

We have a couple of niche options available.

The standard niche is designed for the placement of two urns.
• The opening measurements are 10” wide by 10” high and are 16” deep
• Cost for a standard niche is $2400.00

There are 6 larger niches available that allow for the placement of a maximum of 4 urns.
• The opening measurements are 10” wide by 10” high by 16” deep with an extended width of 28” to accommodate the extra urns
• Cost for a larger niche is $4200.00

For additional information please contact Sensei James at or 403-988-6957

WF Dana Day (March 25) and WBWC

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada (JSBTC) Women’s Federation or WF is the national women’s organization. The WF Dana Day is the result of a resolution made in 1965 at the second World Buddhist Women’s Convention held in New York City. It was decided that proceeds from the annual designated Dana Day will go towards social welfare projects and related activities. Since then, funds have been raised through the efforts of the women’s groups at Jodo Shinshu temples throughout the world to aid in numerous social welfare activities.

All donations made on March 25 will be gratefully collected and sent to our National office so that the WF can
continue to support social welfare initiatives. Thank you for your generous support of “Dana” – giving without
thought of receiving something in return.

Also, after the service on Sunday, March 25, please meet downstairs for tea and learn more about the Women’s Federation. Find out what the organization does PLUS get the scoop on the 2019 World Buddhist Women’s Convention! August 30 – September 1, 2019, the Buddhist Churches of America Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations (BCA FBWA) will host the 16th World Buddhist Women’s Convention at the San Francisco Marriott Grand Marquis in San Francisco, California.

2019 World Buddhist Women’s Convention Poster

Buddhist Practices Circuit & Lunch

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

On Sunday March 11 from 10am-1pm, our service will take a slightly different format. If you had a question about the significance of the items on our naijin (alter), curious to hear about the history of our Shinran Shonin statue, or learn something about chanting or mediation, this is the service you don’t want to miss! In groups, you will visit four stations and then finish with a silent eating meditation (lunch). You will also have an opportunity to make a name button (to wear when you are at the Temple) for a small fee. Kids are welcome.

Hope you can join us!