Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Temple Book Club

Monday, January 29, 2024

The book club will meet every two weeks on Thursday starting on February 29th and ending on May 23rd from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. We will be starting the book club by gathering to discuss Dr. Jeff Wilson’s recent book: “Living Nembutsu, Applying Shinran’s Radically Engaged Buddhism in life and Society”.

The 157-page book is regarded as a sourcebook for Jodo Shinshu Buddhists looking to apply Pure Land perspectives to the problems, we face in the world today from an exploration on the life and teachings of Shinran Shonin.

The book club will be held at the Calgary Buddhist Temple and will accommodate both in-person and online participation.  Register in advance if participating online. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting.

Following our completion of reading and discussing the book, we have invited the author, Dr. Jeff Wilson, to visit the Calgary Buddhist Temple on Saturday, May 25th in order to have a final discussion regarding the book’s central focus. This final discussion will also be held in-person and online.

The Calgary Buddhist Temple currently has 35 copies of the book for sale at a price of $15.00. Please contact Robert Sensei at if you would like to purchase the book from the temple. The book can also be purchased directly from and


STUDY QUESTIONS for Feb 29, 2024:

Introduction Rooted in the Buddha-Ground

  1. Have you ever wondered whether Pure Land Buddhism is relevant to contemporary problems?
  2. Why did Dr. Wilson write this book?
  3. The introduction provides brief explanations of Shinran Shonin, Jodo Shinshu, Namo Amida Butsu, nembutsu, and Pure Land. How familiar were you with these aspects of Buddhism?

From Mountaineer to Stroke Survivor

Thursday, January 18, 2024

On Sunday, March 24, join us for tea after service and meet the resilient author of “From Mountaineer to Stroke Survivor”, Remy Bernier. Remy started a new life in 2006 due to a stroke. Prior to his accident, he was thriving as an aspiring mountain guide. Now, the right hemisphere of Remy’s body is paralyzed, and his coordination, speech and vision have been affected. Remy has been attending the Calgary Buddhist Temple for several years and we are fortunate that he is an active member of our Sangha. He continues to raise the bar in everything he does, and he is an inspiration to the world.

This is an opportunity to learn about and from his experiences.  “Is suffering a severe stroke the end of the world, or the beginning of a different kind of life?”

2024 Calgary Buddhist Temple Membership

Monday, January 01, 2024

The Calgary Buddhist Temple recognizes and is deeply grateful for the harmony and support that our sangha/community provides each year. The sangha is the heart and work which provides the opportunity to gather together and listen to and practice the dharma.

Each year we ask that you consider becoming a member of the Calgary Buddhist Temple and join us in the preservation of its success. The success of the Temple is reflected in the ability to manage monetary commitments but more importantly in the ability for us to unite as a Sangha in the shared interest of practicing and spreading the dharma.

We are truly grateful for your support and may we all continue to be guided by the Light of the Dharma.


Sensei Robert Gubenco

2024 Membership Form

Wool you be mine?

Thursday, December 21, 2023

On Sunday, February 11, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm, the Calgary Buddhist Temple Sangha Engagement is proud to offer this introductory workshop where participants will have fun learning and working with wool. There will be some hands-on components as well!

We have an engaging presenter who is excited to bring her aptitude to share with us. Come and join this wool discover session and find out what wool can do. Be inspired and learn together with the Sangha!

Everyone is welcome to attend this free workshop but please register at so we know how many people to expect.

And to go along with the theme and guaranteed to make you smile (or groan):

  • What’s the sheep’s moto? All’s wool that ends wool.
  • What did the sheep parent say to the lamb? It’s pasture bedtime.
  • What do you call two sheep who are dating? A relationsheep.
  • Accidents wool happen. 😊

Hope to see you there!

Buddhism 101

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Interested in Buddhism and how it can be a part of your daily life? Plan to attend the next Buddhism 101 workshop which will be starting on Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 and continue for 5 Thursdays (Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1, and 8) from 7-8:00pm at the Temple. Everyone is welcome!

No prior knowledge or experience is required, just an open and curious mind!

2024 YBICSE to Japan

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

There will be a 2024 Youth Buddhist International Cultural Study Exchange or YBICSE tour to Japan this summer and participation is limited to five (5) Canadians between the ages of 15-25 years old.  If you are interested or if someone you know is interested, please contact Robert Gubenco Sensei for more information. 

The Japan 2024 YBICSE will be hosted by the Hongwanji in Kyoto, Japan from July 4 to July 9, 2024. It is anticipated that the Canadian group will likely arrive in Japan around July 1-2 and come back to Canada on July 10.

The number of youths able to attend in 2024 are as follows: 

     BCA 10

     Hawaii 7

   Canada 5

     South America 3

Total of 25 youths will be able to attend.

     * Subsidy from Hongwanji will be 80,000 YEN ($800) / youth.

Please email Sensei or let him know if you have a youth(s) who would like to join the program by December 27, 2023.  Kindly include the name(s), age(s) and number of years he/she has attended the temple in order to be considered.