Posts By: CBT Admin

Family Picnic

Everyone is welcome on Sunday, June 16 for our annual Family Day Picnic at Edworthy Park, site #1 on the south side of the river. Join us for some games, races, camaraderie and sunshine. Pack a lunch and be ready to share as it usually

Sensei Ken Madden

It is with sadness that we say farewell to Sensei Ken who has decided to step away from all his activities at the Temple. Sensei Ken has been a long time member and volunteer at the Temple, serving as a Board member, obtaining tokudo, and

Casino Fundraiser

This is our Temple’s biggest fundraiser! We have been assigned our casino dates of Saturday, Sept 14 and Sunday, Sept 15 at Cash Casino (4040 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4E6).  Volunteer recruitment via Signup Genius has begun or contact Jean Masuda at Thank you for

Keirokai 2019

Our Honoured Seniors – Sunday, May 26 was a special day held annually to honour and say “thank you” to our more experienced members.  Where would our Temple be without our Senior Members, the pioneers who started and continue to support our Temple, the Temples

Cooking/Food Demo

The Temple Ladies have coordinated a demo for Sunday, June 2 at 11:15am (after service) with a “Homage to Rice” – Refer to image below in this post for more information.

Keirokai/Gotanye Service

Shinran Shonin A reminder that this Sunday is Keirokai which is a yearly event honouring our members who are ‘Keiro’, that is, our senior, experienced Sangha members. Gotan-ye service will also be held as this is the celebration of the birth of Shinran Shonin, the founder of


Sunday, April 4 the Temple will be celebrating Hanamatsuri. According to Buddhist tradition, Prince Siddhartha Gautama (Sakyamuni Buddha), was born on 8 April, 566 B.C. in the garden of Lumbini, in present day Nepal. Flowers decorate a statue of the Buddha and the Sangha is