Why do we chant?

Chanting in Shin Buddhism has a meditative aspect, a ritual aspect, and a learning aspect. The meditative aspect of chanting is the same as the meditative aspect of sitting. Being fully engaged in sitting or in chanting enables us to focus on the present moment. Focusing in this way is helpful before listening to a Dharma message. The meditative aspect of chanting is available even if we do not know the meaning of the words.

Chanting also has a ritual aspect. Rituals bring our views into alignment with a timeless message by re-enacting events or stories that express the Buddhist teachings. In chanting the sutras, we maintain a link with the disciples of the Buddha who transmitted these words over the centuries. The ritual aspect includes the feeling of oneness that develops among people who participate.

The learning aspect of chanting comes through listening to the Dharma. True listening takes place when we grasp the meaning of the words. It would be difficult to understand the words solely by chanting an English translation of a Chinese text. Instead, we learn to appreciate the meaning by attending Dharma talks and by becoming familiar with the separate English translations.