Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Sunday, April 13 and begin shortly after service. We will go over the temple finances, talk about events/highlights of the past year, discuss and vote on key issues and elect a new Board of Directors.
The 2025 Calgary Buddhist Temple membership form is now available. Please consider taking out a membership to help support the temple. Membership is required for voting privileges at the temple.
Please note that of the $150 Membership fee, $100 goes to our national organization, Jodo
On Sunday, Sep 22 after service, let’s all show our appreciation to Sensei Robert Gubenco for his dedication and commitment to the Sangha and to the community he serves so well.
There’ll be ice cream, fruit, and fixings – EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Please join us,
Our annual general meeting will be held on April 14, 2024 shortly after service (11:15 -11:30AM).
We will go over the temple finances, talk about events/highlight of the past year, discuss and voteon key issues and elect a new board of directors. We expect it
The Calgary Buddhist Temple recognizes and is deeply grateful for the harmony and support that our sangha/community provides each year. The sangha is the heart and work which provides the opportunity to gather together and listen to and practice the dharma.
Each year we ask
The 2023 CBT Membership is now available.
Please take a few moments to complete the attached form and return it to the temple. Cheques can be made out to The Calgary Buddhist Temple. Mailing address: 207-6th St N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 3Y1. Tel: (403) 263-5723.
Happy New Year. Hopefully 2022 will be a better year than 2020/2021 and we can get closer to the way things were before the pandemic.
Each year we ask that you consider becoming a friend, a member, of the Calgary Buddhist Temple and join us
The 2021 CBT membership form is now available to download. (2021 Membership form) . Please take a moment to read through the form and consider becoming a member. We appreciate all the support that the sangha has provided to the temple throughout the past
Here you will find a link to a very short survey about the Calgary Buddhist Temple’s online Services. We would really appreciate you completing this survey to tell us how to best reach you with our Online Services and Temple News as well as how
Due to the current self-isolation requirements, the Calgary Buddhist Temple Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online this year on Sunday May 24 at 11:15 am (MST) via the Zoom platform/application.
If you are a Calgary Buddhist Temple member, we invite you to join