Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Gotan-e Service & Keirokai

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Join us on Sunday, May 19 for the Gotan-e Service, which recognizes Shinran Shonin’s birth, as well as it is also our Senior Appreciation Day also referred to as Keirokai.  There will be a special lunch and recognition of these valued members.

Hanamatsuri – Sunday, April 7

Monday, March 11, 2024

According to our tradition, the historical Buddha, Sakyamuni, was born in Lumbini Garden in Nepal on April 8, 566 B.C. He was born the son of King Suddohana and Queen Maya. There are many flowery descriptions of the scene at his birth, including celestial birds singing beautiful songs, beautiful flowers, and a sweet gentle rain bathing the baby Buddha.  We will recognize Hanamatsuri on Sunday, April 7 along with our monthly Shotsuki/memorial service for those who passed in the month of April.  Everyone is welcome.

There will be a meal after service in celebration of Buddha’s birth and the Hanamatsuri toban group would like to invite you to contribute by volunteering to bring something – please visit SIGNUP.

Sunday Services In-Person and Online

Monday, March 11, 2024

It is our pleasure to offer Sunday Services in-person and via live-streaming – both start at 10:00am (MST). We look forward to you joining us, and everyone is welcome! 

Online live-streaming is from our Facebook group Calgary Buddhist Temple, and the relevant sections from our service book can be found here approximately one day prior:

2024 Annual General Meeting

Friday, March 08, 2024

Our annual general meeting will be held on April 14, 2024 shortly after service (11:15 -11:30AM).

We will go over the temple finances, talk about events/highlight of the past year, discuss and vote
on key issues and elect a new board of directors. We expect it to run for about 30 to 45 minutes.

Attending the AGM is a good way to become more familiar with how the temple is run and to ask any questions or voice concerns. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a board member, please contact Dan at

JC Survivors Health & Wellness

Friday, February 23, 2024

The launch of the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Grants opened on February 1, 2024. Please refer to the posters to see if you are eligible.  On Sunday, Mar 17 between 11:30am and 1:30pm,  Outreach Workers will be in attendance to complete ID validation for all applications submitted online.  Please bring appropriate ID and something with you current address for validation purposes.

RSVP to if attending.