Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

2020 Membership

Monday, January 06, 2020

Our 2020 Calgary Buddhist Membership form is now available in our membership section and is available in print at the temple. Memberships are $100 per person with students (under 18) and seniors (65 & over) complimentary. Please consider taking out a membership to help support our temple. It also gives us an opportunity to refresh and update our sangha list and allows us to more accurately assess our needs going forward.

Shoshinge Nembutsu Wasan & Hoonko

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Jan 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16 – Chanting is being done for the week leading up to January 16th as a way to commemorate Shinran Shonin’s passing. Chanting of Shoshinge Nembutsu Wasan will start at 11:00am followed by a reading from the words of Shinran.

The Calgary Buddhist Temple will hold Hōonkō Memorial Services on Thursday, Jan 16 and on Sunday, Jan 19. Hōonkō is a time to express our gratitude and observe the memorial of our Jodo Shinshu founder, Shinran Shonin (1173-1262).

Stay for lunch after the service on Sunday – kindly use Signup Genius to see what’s needed and indicate what you’ll be able to bring.

In the word hōonkō; ‘hōon’ means “return of gratitude” and ‘ko’ means “to clarify the meaning of” or “gathering”‘.

Happy New Year

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Dear Dharma Friends,

Start your New Year off right by keeping in touch and reading the Calgary Buddhist Temple January 2020 newsletter called the “Sangha“.

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!  Happy New Year Everyone!

Good health and happiness in 2020 

Dharma Time 2020

Sunday, December 29, 2019

We can’t have our Dharma Time for the young members of our Sangha every Sunday without your help! Please SIGN-UP and volunteer to host a 30 minute class – this can be a lesson, craft, game(s), time in the park, or even a Dharma-themed activity if you would like.

Let’s not disappoint the children!

Thank you for your continued support! If you have any questions, please email Nicole at

Call for Recipes – Reminder

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Don’t forget that we are launching a Calgary Buddhist Temple Cookbook to compile and share our Sangha’s best-loved recipes that bring joy to our family and friends.

If you have some favourite recipes to donate, we would love to hear from you! Here is the template to use to submit recipes – .doc or .pdf

We will collect them at Temple or by email at Please include your name and, if possible, a short description of how your recipe is special to you.