Calgary Buddhist Temple Blog

Cooking/Food Demo

Sunday, December 08, 2019

The ladies of the Temple will be starting off 2020 by hosting a Cooking/Food Demo – Yaki Manju on Sunday, Jan 26. There will be a short meeting beforehand to hear an update regarding the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Women’s Federation (WF) which is our national organization. It will also be a great opportunity for people to provide input so bring your thoughts and ideas for both women specific activities as well as ones the ladies can coordinate for the entire Sangha!

After the meeting will be the Cooking/Food Demo – Yaki Manju which is a traditional manju that mom would make on special occasions. Yaki means ‘to cook’ and manju is a sweet Japanese confection like mochi but it uses regular flour instead so it’s more cake or cookie-like.

This demo is open to EVERYONE (men, women, and families) – There is a nominal fee of $5/person and children (12 and under) are free. Come and enjoy the company of the sangha as we learn together!

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED so we know how many people to expect and since space is limited.

There will also be a Cooking/Food Demo – Mochi Making (open to everyone) scheduled for Sunday, Feb 23 and on Sunday, Mar 8, there will be a workshop called Getting to the Bottom of It – Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Women.  More information to come.

It is your involvement and participation that will make these successful!

Bodhi Day

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

This is the day that Prince Gautama Siddhartha attained enlightenment to become the Buddha, the Awakened one. We will be holding our annual service on Sunday, December 8 at 10:00AM. Potluck lunch to follow.

If you’re able to contribute to the potluck, please use this sign up.

Save the Date

Monday, November 18, 2019

for Humanity through a Buddhist Eye: An Exploration of Human Rights

Here is the initial information regarding the Human Rights Conference in Winnipeg, MB (June 12-14, 2020) sponsored by the Living Dharma Centre.   

A more detailed poster will be available in December/January once the itinerary and registration process is set. In the meantime, if anyone has questions about the conference, they can forward them to: Brenda Ikuta.

Save the dates to embark on a very exciting opportunity to gather from across Canada and deepen our appreciation of the interdependence and oneness of all life.


Tuesday, November 05, 2019

In addition to buying Raffle and Football Tickets, we also need as many of you as possible to help SELL them. This is our final fundraising activity for 2019 and really could use everyone’s help to make it a success!

For the Grey Cup pool tickets, the 107th Grey Cup game is Sunday, November 24, 2019; Tickets are $2 each; Contact: Doug Hironaka –

Raffle tickets draw date is Sunday, December 8, 2019; Tickets are 1 for $5 or 3 for $10; 1st Prize = Apple Watch Series 5, 2nd Prize = Sport Chek Goody Bag with $500 Gift Card, 3rd Prize = Philips Diamond Clean Electric Toothbrush; Contact: Lester Ikuta –

Thank you for your continued participation in making our Temple a place for everyone.

Toy Room

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

The Calgary Buddhist Temple is a proud partner for the Toy Room program sponsored by the Women’s Centre which makes the holidays brighter for thousands of families in Calgary. Last year, 1,236 women and 2,628 children received gifts thanks to the generosity of community partners for the Toy Room.

We have setup a gift wrapped box just inside the Hondo (Main Hall) doors to receive toys for the program. The toys are required to be new and unused for the success of the program. We will be collecting unwrapped toys up to and including December 8, 2019.  The program is especially in need of toys for ages 8 to 18 years.

Suggested toys by age