Thursday, October 31, 2019
by CBT Admin
The Temple depends on the generous time and commitment of the Sangha/Community. Please consider the role of Newsletter Editor or Cleaning Toban Leader as these are currently vacant. Below is information on each:
Newsletter Editor: Because our previous editor extraordinaire, Danielle, needs to focus on two little ones plus a job, the Temple is looking for a volunteer to edit the newsletter, which comes out once per month. The editor is responsible for organizing and formatting information and material which are provided by Sensei, the Board and committee leads. If you know something about desktop publishing or would like a chance to learn, please email Laura at
Cleaning Toban Leader: After several years of coordinating the cleaning toban, Tracee has taken a break. The Temple needs someone to take over scheduling and coordinating periodic “deep cleans” in conjunction with our regular monthly paid cleaning services. The toban leader and Sensei will determine how often these cleaning sessions will occur, e.g., quarterly, semiannually, etc. There is also an outside clean in April in conjunction with Earth Day. The toban leader will check and replenish cleaning supplies as needed.